

(4月. 27, 2020)



(Page 2 of the presentation slides) Despite forecasting in January that operating income would total 97 billion yen in FY2019, 实际结果不及计划. 这一缺口是否完全归因于COVID-19?

十大赌博娱乐平台认为,短缺完全是由COVID-19造成的. 除了供应链暂停等直接影响外.这包括消费者信心降温等间接因素.

(Page 2 of the presentation slides) What assumptions regarding the business environment underpin your thoughts with respect to the impact of COVID-19 on FY2020 operating income plans?

We believe that COVID-19 will have the greatest impact on the 1Q and gradually transition to a recovery from the 2Q. 此后,十大赌博娱乐平台预计情况将在下半年恢复正常. 这个, we have added such factors as forecasts of the latest customer demand in each business and field.

按月计算,您是否预计2019冠状病毒病将在4月份产生最大影响? 如果影响在5月和6月恶化的话, 负面影响是否会进一步加剧?

自2月份以来,中国等国的某些工厂已暂停运营. 这些暂停的影响已纳入2020财年计划. 就十大赌博娱乐平台2020财年的计划而言, we have also taken into account estimates regarding the number of automobiles manufactured globally by quarter in for example the 流动性 field.



尽管受到2月份中国供应链暂停的影响, 十大赌博娱乐平台看到了3月份以来的复苏. 而智能手机等最终产品的趋势则略显疲软, 半导体-, 〇5G基站, 与数据中心相关的需求正在增加. 十大赌博娱乐平台预计这种情况将持续到未来. 就电子领域而言, 十大赌博娱乐平台预计下半年将出现一定程度的库存调整.

(Page 33 of the presentation slides) Are sales of interlayer films for use in head-up display (HUD) systems expanding?

2019财年下半年,销售额同比增长超过10%. 第四季度的结果, 哪些受到市场环境恶化的严重影响, 也超过了前一年. 在2020财年上半年, we anticipate inevitably falling below the levels recorded in the corresponding period of FY2019. 这是在上半年销量超过汽车市场的情况下取得的成绩. 与此同时, 考虑到下半年汽车市场状况的复苏, we are projecting sales volumes will increase by more than 30% YoY and exceed the previous year on a full fiscal year basis. This reflects the implementation of measures to strategically increase market share from FY2019.

(Page 32 of the presentation slides) Operations at a new interlayer film production line in 欧洲 are scheduled to comment from the 1Q of FY2020. 看看汽车市场的情况,这是不是有点早了?

这条生产线将主要生产用于HUD系统的层间膜. 十大赌博娱乐平台的意图是进行本地生产,以供应欧洲的一个主要客户. In addition, we plan to supply interlayer films for use in certain construction applications.

(演示幻灯片第32页)就移动领域而言, 你已经为2020财年上半年制定了严格的销售计划. 您对通用层间膜需求的前景如何? 您对移动领域除层间膜外的产品需求有何看法?

按数量计算, sales of general-purpose interlayer films in the 1H are expected to come in at around 60% of the levels recorded in the corresponding period of FY2019. 今年下半年的销售额预计也将达不到预期. 就不包括中间层薄膜的产品而言, demand for interior materials has fallen to around the same level as the automobile market. 十大赌博娱乐平台也预计类似的困难条件外模产品, 哪些是在印度制造和销售的.

作为Sekisui Aerospace Corporation的主要客户, 你是否担心波音公司明显疲软的财务业绩? 是否存在商誉减值的风险?

在华盛顿工厂运作的时候, 哪个生产管道和其他产品, 目前已被停职, 爱荷华工厂, 哪家公司生产CFRP及相关产品, 是否满负荷运转. 尽管波音公司的需求预计将继续保持强劲, 十大赌博娱乐平台预计2019财年不会出现任何减值损失. 而在可预见的未来,对波音的依赖程度仍将很高, we will look to improve productivity and strengthen self-help efforts including the cultivation of new customers in FY2020.

作为本公司CPVC产品的主要目的地, 印度全国范围的封锁是否影响了销售?

At this stage, we have not seen any material changes in the volume of orders from customers. 同时预测未来的库存调整, 十大赌博娱乐平台已经采取措施提高价格和市场份额. 十大赌博娱乐平台将继续努力防止销售量下降.


Are you currently working toward measures aimed at alleviating delays in housing materials delivery, 导致2019财年移交推迟的原因是什么?

The incidence of handover postponement in FY2019 was largely due to delays in delivery of housing materials for such items as bidets, IH加热器, 洗碗机, 以及中国制造的抽油烟机. 有迹象表明,当地生产正在恢复正常, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在考虑在第一季度覆盖延迟的部分. 说到这里, we recognize the need to closely monitor the supply chain both overseas and in 日本 in the future.

作为从2020财年开始的子部门变化的一部分, 已采取步骤建立单独的城镇和社区发展业务. 共管公寓的销售会构成公司的大部分收入吗?

而公寓销售确实会占到收益的大部分, we are also looking at contributions from the sale of ready-built houses with the Town and Community Development Business (Sekisui Chemical) acting as the seller and real estate leasing income (from such sources as CAINZ Corporation at Asaka City). 浅坂铅镇的建筑, Sekisui Chemical is also taking the lead in rolling out urban development projects on a nationwide basis. The Town and Community Development Department will mainly engage in planning and procurement while coordinating with sales companies in each area that will take charge of the marketing function.

  • *Urban development project:Large-scale development project in which Sekisui Chemical takes the lead in the procurement of land and planning through its Town and Community Development Business.
该公司在2019财年公布了与浅坂相关的减值损失. 你能提供细节吗??

Sekisui Chemical posted an impairment loss on the employee dormitory adjacent to Asaka Lead Town. 展望未来,控制权将移交给城市及社区发展局. Plans are in place to utilize the property as rental housing for the general public or housing for the elderly.


(Page 3 of the presentation slides) Naphtha prices are currently exhibiting a downward trend with levels falling considerably lower than assumptions that underpin the Company's plans. To what extent do you see this positively affecting financial results in the HPP and UIEP companies?

就HPP公司而言, the purchase prices of raw materials derived from naphtha have essentially been determined for the 1Q. 十大赌博娱乐平台预计第二季度将在一定程度上产生积极影响. While the volume of raw materials purchased will decline in FY2020 as a result of the drop in demand for the Company's products due to COVID-19, 十大赌博娱乐平台仍然预计对营业收入的积极影响大约为1比1.整个财政年度的预算为50亿日元. 转向UIEP公司, 预计PVC树脂的采购价格影响最大. 同时预期一些效果, 十大赌博娱乐平台将专注于确保原材料成本和销售价格之间的利润.


(Page 16 of the presentation slides) Sekisui Chemical is looking to increase its cash dividend and purchase treasury stock despite forecasting a decrease in profit in FY2020. 你对未来的股东回报有何看法?

As a part of the process in putting in place our long-term vision and new Medium-term Management Plan, 十大赌博娱乐平台打算在5月份宣布, 十大赌博娱乐平台已经决定了一项加强股东回报的政策. 尽管受2019冠状病毒病影响,2020财年利润暂时下降, we have decided to increase our cash dividend in a bid to address the expectations of shareholders while taking into consideration the health of our financial position.

(Page 25 of the presentation slides) Capital expenditures are projected to decline in FY2020 compared with FY2019. Does this mean you will control capital investments in order to prioritize returns to shareholders?

就战略投资而言,包括M&As are concerned, we will place increased emphasis on a policy of selection and concentration. 十大赌博娱乐平台将继续大力进行对未来增长至关重要的投资.